Max Hattler

25-channel video installation, projection onto the new salt worksX is an animated water projection by media artist Max Hattler, who often exhibits in non-traditional spaces. X is a contemporary media representation, in the true sense of the word. It is equally vague and intangible as the title X. For one thing, it is timeless: the beginning and the end are merely a technical necessity. For another, X is placeless: a work that is not additionally projected onto a solid wall, for instance, but onto a wall of water – or to be more precise: onto a hydroshield, such as used by the fire brigade. X amalgamates kinetic outline shapes glowing luminous green, purple, white and blue into a prototypical digital light show. It is one of Max Hattler’s most impressive works: the light show is geometric and refers to itself, and yet conveys an unrivalled liveliness of the shapes. X never appears abstract or strenuous, but in a strange way reassuring, even likeable. Whereas Max Hattler’s works are often forms of digital dystopia, X could be a digital version of the kinetic sculptures that emerged around media art pioneer Zdeněk Pešánek in Prague around 1930.

Max Hattler participated in the group exhibition entitled Art Machines at the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery in Hong Kong in 2020, among other things, and launched his solo exhibition Receptive Rhythms at the Goethe-Institut in Hong Kong in 2019. For more information on Max Hattler, visit http://www.maxhattler.com.

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